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Stock Adjustments

(1): Go to Master(top left in MenuBar)
       Click Master > Stock Adjustment
(2): Write Item Name in Find Item Field >> Show Items Name Below 
(3): Press Enter if You want to Edit Stock 
(4): Write Quantity in Adjust Qty Column (Press - minus to Decrease ) 
     Press Enter will change Total Qty
(5): Press TAB, Focus will Move to SAVE Button >> Press SAVE 
(6): ShortCut is also available directly from Sale Panel,
     When cursor on Qty (grid table) Press F9 (Function Key) will Open this Panel, 
     Edit and then Close.
(7): ** Item Will Not Show here Which Never Purchased or have ZERO Stock 
(8): You Can Delete Stock related to Particular Batch,
     Move Cursor in Delete Column >> Use Mouse Left Double Click Shows YES 
     ** Write 0 in Adjust Qty Column Before Press Save, Mouse Right Click in Delete Column 
     Show NO, 
     ( Will Not Delete Batch Stock), Blank in Delete Column Field Will Never Delete Any Stock 
(9): Delete Old Stock : this will delete all batch stock from all items at once, 
     aplicable fo those items have more than TWO Batches, Recent Two batches will Not Delete.
     ** Use this option if you have 'garbage' Batches, this action may show 'None' in 
     Batch column when you search Old Bills. Use this carefully.
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