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Search Purchase, Sale Bill/Orders

(1): On Front Panel Click or Press Enter
        Search Sale or Search Purchase 
(2): Select From Date and To Date
    This will Only Find Bills Between Given Dates 
(3): Write Party Name if You want Particular Party or 
    Press Enter (without writing Party Name will 
    Find All Parties Bill Between Given Dates
(4): Go to Bill you want to Edit by shuffling UP or DOWN key on Keyboad or 
    Using Mouse Pointer
(5): Press Enter will Open Selected Party Bill 
(6): Press Edit Button to Activate Panel; Edit and UPDATE Finally.
(7): ** You Can't Convert Estimate Bill to Main Bill or One Party to Another Party.  

Purchase Order/Sale Order

(1): Write From Dates and To Dates (Between Dates) You want to Find Order 
(2): Select Purchase Order/Sales Order From Top Left List 
(3): Write Party Name >> Select >> Press Enter
(4): Order Will Open >> Make any Change If You Want >> UPDATE (**This will Update Order Only) 
(5): If you want to convert this order into Actual Purchase or Sale 
     then Press Edit and Press SAVE Directly (Convert Order into Actual Purchase/Sale) 
(6): You can Delete These Bill/Order by Pressing DELETE Button 
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